Friday, April 19, 2019

Outbreak of Colorblindness Strikes Chicago Reporters

Outbreak of Colorblindness Strikes Chicago Reporters

Chicago picked a strange time to go all colorblind on us. The occasion was the occasional riot in one of America’s premier high-end shopping districts: the Magnificent Mile. 
Wednesday night, 500 people rampaged through downtown looting, destroying property, attacking white people, defying police, stopping traffic, threatening tourists, and created lots of mayhem and chaos.
All on video. Some of which you can find here.
If local media is to be believed, race had nothing to do with the fact that every single one of the rioters was black. 
Strange behavior from a local media that is obsessed with race, especially white racism and black victimization. Every day, it is easy to find stories in Chicago about black schools, black politicians, black businesses, black neighborhoods, black income, black funeral homes, black mayors, black police chiefs, black district attorneys, black football players, black baseball players, black churches, black music, black television, black movies, black actors (wassup Jussie!!!), black history, black community activists, black nationalists and of course all the things that white people do to constantly aggravate them and force them into crime and violence wildly out of proportion.


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