Friday, April 19, 2019

The Left's mad search for ideological purity is evil.

Angry students want outspoken liberal prof Camille Paglia replaced with 'queer person of color' over her #MeToo, transgender criticisms

The president of the University of the Arts isn't bowing to student demands, however

In this age of adults charged with running college campuses actually bowing in terror to every woke demand of leftist students, it was only a matter of time before the youngins at University of the Arts in Philadelphia would go after Camille Paglia, a world-renowned, outspoken feminist and professor at the school.
Paglia, you see, is a longtime liberal. But she's often voiced views that liberals — particularly of the far-left persuasion — don't like.
When Hillary Clinton was running for president, Paglia wrote that Clinton's "blame-men-first-feminism" wasn't doing her campaign any favors. Soon after that Paglia pointedly asked, "What is it with the Hillary cult?" And after Clinton lost the election to President Donald Trump, Paglia ripped the Democratic nominee, saying misogyny didn't lose her the election.

Why are students angry at Paglia?

Which brings us to the verbal dust-up at the University of the Arts. Students there launched a recent petition saying Paglia "blatantly mocked survivors of sexual assault and the #MeToo movement, and in classes and interviews has mocked and degraded transgender individuals." For that they're demanding the school oust Paglia and replace her with a "queer person of color."
Paglia, inconveniently, is a lesbian. Not that it's won her many lesbian fans, mind you: "My problem is that I do not get along with lesbians at all," she told the Independent several years ago. "They don't like me, and I don't like them." But Paglia indeed is not a person of color, and that just won't do with this cadre of leftist youths.
In regard to their issue with Paglia not genuflecting before the #MeToo altar, the students' petition points to the following clip in which Paglia excoriates bad female behavior amid a "bourgeois culture of excuses":

In this age of adults charged with running college campuses actually bowing in terror to every woke demand of leftist students, it was only a matter of time before the youngins at University of the Arts in Philadelphia would go after Camille Paglia, a world-renowned, outspoken feminist and professor at the school.
Paglia, you see, is a longtime liberal. But she's often voiced views that liberals — particularly of the far-left persuasion — don't like.
When Hillary Clinton was running for president, Paglia wrote that Clinton's "blame-men-first-feminism" wasn't doing her campaign any favors. Soon after that Paglia pointedly asked, "What is it with the Hillary cult?" And after Clinton lost the election to President Donald Trump, Paglia ripped the Democratic nominee, saying misogyny didn't lose her the election.

Why are students angry at Paglia?

Which brings us to the verbal dust-up at the University of the Arts. Students there launched a recent petition saying Paglia "blatantly mocked survivors of sexual assault and the #MeToo movement, and in classes and interviews has mocked and degraded transgender individuals." For that they're demanding the school oust Paglia and replace her with a "queer person of color."

Paglia, inconveniently, is a lesbian. Not that it's won her many lesbian fans, mind you: "My problem is that I do not get along with lesbians at all," she told the Independent several years ago. "They don't like me, and I don't like them." But Paglia indeed is not a person of color, and that just won't do with this cadre of leftist youths.
In regard to their issue with Paglia not genuflecting before the #MeToo altar, the students' petition points to the following clip in which Paglia excoriates bad female behavior amid a "bourgeois culture of excuses":
Camille Paglia: Victim Mentality and
Inside Higher Ed said Paglia's comments about transgenders in a 2017 interview likely ruffled left-leaning feathers.
"It is certainly ironic how liberals who posture as defenders of science when it comes to global warming (a sentimental myth unsupported by evidence) flee all reference to biology when it comes to gender," she noted to the Weekly Standard. "Biology has been programmatically excluded from women's studies and gender studies programs for almost 50 years now. Thus very few current gender studies professors and theorists, here and abroad, are intellectually or scientifically prepared to teach their subjects. The cold biological truth is that sex changes are impossible. Every single cell of the human body remains coded with one's birth gender for life. Intersex ambiguities can occur, but they are developmental anomalies that represent a tiny proportion of all human births."

What does the school have to say?


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