Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Understanding the genesis of Administrative State's attempted coup.

Footnote Highlights Corruption of Mueller’s FBI Investigative Team….

Margot Cleveland has an interesting article in The Federalist today outlining how the DOJ (Mueller) investigation of Christopher Steele was dropped [READ HERE]. Essentially the article outlines how Lindsey Graham and Chuck Grassley sent a criminal referral of Chris Steele to Rosenstein/Mueller in January 2018; however the case was used as a shield to ward-off FOIA inquiry, but the case was never actually pursued – and eventually dropped.
At the time of the 2018 referral CTH noted the Grassley/Graham referral was not what it appeared [See Here].  Additionally, with hindsight and a greater understanding of the Mueller team corruption, we can see how this specific referral hits the center of the FBI intent around their Russia collusion-conspiracy.
The issue surrounds the October 2016 Carter Page FISA application and how the Steele Dossier was used therein.
When the stories first broke about the Steele Dossier being the majority of the FBI evidence (December 2017), the FBI investigators were claiming they were never aware of Chris Steele shopping his dossier to the media.  However, at the same time Glenn Simpson was testifying to congress that the FBI knew Chris Steele was shopping the dossier.
SIDE NOTE: The need for everyone to see what Fusion-GPS (Glenn Simpson) was saying is the reason why Dianne Feinstein “accidentally” released the Simpson transcript (remember, she had a cold).  Feinstein released the transcript five days after the Graham/Grassley referral.  Democrats knew everyone needed to be on the same page and reading from the same manuscript. I digress…
Also remember, Robert Mueller took over the counterintelligence investigation; so the FBI investigators from Crossfire Hurricane (2016) were now the same “40 FBI investigators” on Mueller’s team in 2017.

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