As Seattle-based KTTH 770 AM radio host and Daily Wire contributor Jason Rantz reports, left-wing activists in Seattle are planning a transparently anti-Semitic event that the chairwoman of the Washington State Democratic Party nonetheless deems “important“:
The Thursday night panel discussion is titled “Intersectional Dialogue on Weaponizing Charges of Antisemitism,” and comes as Progressive activists defend Congresswoman Ilhan Omar’s (D-MN) widely condemned anti-Semitic remarks.
It is an intersectional view that a Muslim woman of color, such as Omar, cannot be anti-Semitic because, after all, Jews are just rich, powerful, white people to them. It’s, indeed, an anti-Semitic argument.
The event description on Facebook says they will ask: “How are charges of antisemitism being weaponized to specifically target powerful Black and Muslim leaders, force Jews and Jewish allies into false dichotomies, divert attention from the worldwide rise of white nationalism and state violence, and divide progressive movement-building?”
In other words, evil Jews like myself aren’t about fighting anti-Jew hatred — we’re the actual bigots purposefully using anti-Semitism as a cover to attack “powerful Black and Muslim leaders.” The evil Jew at work, right?
Rantz also notes how the two Jews on the panel, Rabbi David Basior of the Kadima Reconstructionist Community and moderator Maya Berkowitz, are both open “anti-Zionists” who support the facially anti-Semitic “Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions” eliminationist campaign against the world’s only Jewish state. This is a fairly frequent tactic used by anti-Semites to cover for their anti-Semitism; for example, every time the egregiously misnamed hate group “Students for Justice in Palestine” cohosts an on-campus event with the self-hating Jews of “Jewish Voice for Peace,” they engage in this. “I cannot be anti-Semitic if I have a Jew on the panel,” a benighted naif might say.
As Rantz notes, co-sponsors for the Jew-hating event include the American Muslim Empowerment Network, Seattle King County NAACP, Washington State’s ACLU, OneAmerica, and Womxn’s March Seattle.
As Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro has explained, the theory of “intersectionality” — which serves as the over-arching theme for the Seattle Jew-hating event —is inherently anti-Semitic:
How has the Democratic Party morphed into the party of anti-Semitism? By embracing the philosophy of intersectionality on the one hand, and by embracing the myth that anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism are completely separable on the other. The former provides the emotional impetus for nodding at Jew-hatred; the latter provides the intellectual framework for doing so.
The philosophy of intersectionality has othered Jews from the intersectional coalition. Because intersectionality is built on the premise that the prevailing Western system of thought has victimized various groups, and that those groups must band together in order to destroy that system, those who have thrived under the West must be excised from the intersectional agglomeration – being, as they are, representatives of the fact that Western thought is not, in fact, rooted in evil. The Jews are simply too financially, educationally, and politically successful to be seen as anything other than members of the power structure.