Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Black professor who once said first responders should let white victims ‘f***ing die’ now says ‘whiteness is terrorism’

A little bit of a reach, don't you think?

Trinity College professor Johnny Eric Williams believes that "whiteness is terrorism," if we're to believe sentiments on his Twitter feed.

According to Campus Reform, Williams — a professor of sociology — posted the tweet on Sunday. Williams has since made his Twitter account private, but The Hartford Courant has a record of his remarks.
The college in Hartford, Connecticut, previously placed him on leave after making inflammatory comments across his social media platforms. 

What did he say?

On Twitter, the controversial professor wrote, "All self-identified white people (no exceptions) are invested in and collude with systemic white racism/white supremacy."
The outlet also reported that Williams followed up the tweet with "all self-identified white people (no exceptions) are invested in and collude with systematic white racism/white supremacy."
That wasn't all: Williams also pointed the finger at former President Barack Obama and wife, Michelle. The Courant reported that Williams wrote, "I'm referring to [Candace Owens] and other less brazen but more insidious dangerous 'white' kneegrows like Barry and Michelle Obama and many other white kneegrows you encounter daily."

Williams received heavy fire in 2017 after he tweeted that first responders should just let white victims "f***ing die" simply because they are white. 

What else? 

Campus Reform spoke to a member of the school's College Republicans about the professor's latest incendiary remarks.
"Everyone really questions, even liberals, why is he still here?" the unnamed student said. "I think that's kind of a question a lot of people are asking is, he advocated for white genocide, why is he still here?"
The student added, "I think if you ask anyone on campus that is not as radical as he is, they will be like 'He needs to go,' which is interesting because at Trinity College, most students are pretty apathetic toward really everything, so to have such a high defensive that an individual needs to go, that really says something."
The student said that Williams' "behavior is horrible," adding that he "needs to be checked by the administration."
According to the student, who said they have taken a class with the professor before, Williams is known for failing students for no reason and requiring students to sign a waiver stating they may not discuss or email about what is said in class.
Trinity College President Joanne Berger-Sweeney told Campus Reform that it's important to foster debate when it comes to "controversial" speech.
"Trinity College supports academic freedom and free expression and inquiry, which are hallmarks of academia and democratic society," Berger-Sweeney said. "When speech proves controversial, our responsibility as educators is to promote more debate and discussion, not less. Twitter is a challenging place for a thoughtful discourse, which is clear from this example."

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