Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Another hate hoax? Dem lawmaker walks back claims that 'white man' told her to 'go back where you came from'

Another hate hoax? Dem lawmaker walks back claims that 'white man' told her to 'go back where you came from'
Georgia Rep. Erica Thomas (D) turned a grocery store spat into national outrage after claiming a white man told her to "go back where you came from," providing social and mainstream media outlets the perfect opportunity to condemn President Donald Trump.
Thomas' story crumbled under scrutiny, but as Jon Miller noted on Monday's "White House Brief," it was right in line with the fake narrative that we keep hearing from the left.
Jon played the inciting social media video in which Thomas tearfully claims, "And this white man comes up to me and says, 'You lazy son of a b***h,' he says, 'You lazy son of a b***h; you need to go back where you came from.'"
The accused "white man," Eric Sparkes, denied telling Thomas to "go back," though he admitted to calling her a "b***h" because he was angry that she was in an express line with too many items.

witness who saw the alleged incident of racism said he doesn't recall hearing Sparkes tell Thomas to "go back" where she came from.
Even Thomas backpedaled on her claims, telling WSB-TV: "I don't want to say he said, 'Go back to your country,' or 'Go back to where you came from.' But he was making those types of references is what I remember."
"If there's all of this hate out there, if there are all these hateful Trump supporters and Trump supporters are so bigoted and awful, you'd think that there would be enough so that lunatics wouldn't have to keep faking the hate crimes," Jon said.
Catch the rest of the story in the video below:

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