Friday, December 20, 2019

NTSB: Tesla In Fatal Accident Was Traveling 100 MPH Around A Curve In A 30 MPH Zone

The NTSB has finally concluded its investigation into a 2018 Tesla crash and fire in Florida, concluding that "excessive speed" over 100 mph around a curve caused the crash. The teens were traveling on a road with a 30 mph speed limit and a sign warning drivers to go 25 mph around the curve. 
The NTSB released a report on Thursday stating that the Tesla erupted in flames after colliding with a wall, trapping two 18 year olds that firefighters were unable to rescue, even though they put the fire out less than one minute after arriving, according to the NY Times
The fire that started in the car's battery also contributed to the two deaths and the passenger also had head and torso injuries, seemingly as a result of the accident, as well. The NTSB probe into the crash was opened "as part of a broader inquiry into electric vehicle crashes and fires."
Firefighters that responded to the scene reported "intense flames" and said they could see electrical arching in the car. They also said pieces of the battery broke off from the vehicle. 
The NTSB report said: “During that operation, modules that had separated from the battery ignited on the tow truck when workers passed a chain over them.”
When the car was loaded onto a second tow truck, the battery caught fire again and had to be extinguished a second time. Additionally, when the battery was being unloaded at the tow yard, the case ignited once again. ird teen was thrown from the car and injured. The families of the teens who were killed have sued Tesla.

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