Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Deplorable and now white trash!

A former Democratic member of Congress referred to the supporters of President Donald Trump as "white trash" when describing why Trump's doing better among Hispanic males and not females.

Joe Garcia, a former Democratic congressman from Florida, was quoted in the Charlotte Observer in an article published Tuesday.

"They're selling success, right?" Garcia said of Republicans. 

"And they're selling a mutated, macho-istic, celebrity version of success, which is the same thing Donald Trump is selling to white trash across the country." he continued. "Look at me, I'm a billionaire, I married my mistress and I still have a family."

Garcia was commenting on a report that showed Trump was performing better among Hispanic males than Hispanic females. 

"The gender gap has been one of the largest findings that we have uncovered in our polling over the last year," said Stephanie Valencia, a co-founder of Equis Research that analyzes Latino voting trends. 

The Observer report documented that while most Hispanic males are not fervent supporters of the president, they believe that his policies will be better for the economy than those of his Democratic counterpart Joe Biden.

"I think he has a better platform on the economy than Joe Biden does," said 49-year-old Edward Santiago, of South Florida who identified himself as a "lifelong, moderate Republican."

In Arizona, a key swing state, a study found that 40% of Hispanic males were voting for Trump, while only 19% of Hispanic females said they would support the president. Of Hispanic males, 55% said they would support Biden, while 69% of Hispanic females said they would support the Democratic nominee. 

A similar gap between Hispanic males and females were measured in North Carolina and Nevada, while the gap narrowed in Florida. 

In 2014, Garcia lost his re-election bid to Republican challenger Carlos Curbelo, who himself held the seat for Florida's 26th Congressional District until 2019. 

Here's more about the Latino vote in the 2020 election:

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