Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Massive Coronavirus "Relief" Bill Stuffed With Billions In Giveaways To Foreign Countries...Congressional wastrels

After months of haggling, the long-awaited coronavirus "relief" stimulus has now made its way through Congress and the massive bill is a Christmas gift for special interests. 

By the time that final negotiations had been hammered out, the gargantuan legislation clocked in at nearly 6,000 pages, giving members no time to read it with both Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell applying pressure to cram it through.

The House passed this pork-stuffed monstrosity that provides only crumbs in the form of a measly $600 payment to Americans who are reeling from the economic damage inflicted by Democrat lockdowns while lavishly rewarding special interest groups and doling out foreign aid including millions for “gender programs” in Pakistan. 

Conjuring memories of Pelosi's infamous Obama care remark of "We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it," both houses of Congress moved with lightning-fast speed to send the bill to President Trump before legislators leave town for Christmas.

According to Breitbart, the billions in foreign aid include:

$169,739,000 to Vietnam, including $19 million to remediate dioxins (page 1476).

Unspecified funds to “continue support for not-for-profit institutions of higher education in Kabul, Afghanistan that are accessible to both women and men in a coeducational environment” (page 1477).

$198,323,000 to Bangladesh, including $23.5 million to support Burmese refugees and $23.3 million for “democracy programs” (page 1485).

$130,265,000 to Nepal for “development and democracy programs” (page 1485).

Pakistan: $15 million for “democracy programs” and $10 million for “gender programs” (page 1486).

Sri Lanka: Up to $15 million “for the refurbishing of a high endurance cutter,” which is a type of patrol boat (page 1489).

$505,925,000 to Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama to “address key factors that contribute to the migration of unaccompanied, undocumented minors to the United States” (pages 1490-1491).

$461,375,000 to Colombia for programs related to counternarcotics and human rights (pages 1494-1496).

$74.8 million to the “Caribbean Basin Security Initiative” (page 1498).

$33 million “for democracy programs for Venezuela” (page 1498).

Unspecified amount to Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Curacao, and Trinidad and Tobago “for assistance for communities in countries supporting or otherwise impacted by refugees from Venezuela” (page 1499).

$132,025,000 “for assistance for Georgia” (page 1499).

$453 million “for assistance for Ukraine” (page 1500)

Read the entire bill HERE.

press release from Pelosi's office also touted the following which have nothing at all to do with the coronavirus and in the case of a corrupt media that serves as little more than a Democrat propaganda machine, amounts to an obscene giveaway. 

Democrats secured critical funding and policy changes to help small businesses, including minority-owned businesses, and nonprofits recover from the pandemic. The agreement includes over $284 billion for first and second forgivable PPP loans, expanded PPP eligibility for nonprofits and local newspapers, TV and radio broadcasters, key modifications to PPP to serve the smallest businesses and struggling non-profits and better assist independent restaurants, and includes $15 billion in dedicated funding for live venues, independent movie theaters, and cultural institutions. 

Also, the bill includes billions for fighting climate change, a preview of the "build back better" Green New Deal boondoggles to come under a Biden-Harris regime. 

The agreement includes sweeping clean energy reforms, R&D enhancements, efficiency incentives, and extends clean energy tax credits to create hundreds of thousands of jobs across the clean economy. 

And in a real kick in the gut to Americans who have waited for months for this massive scam - a tax credit for the owners of racehorses. 

President Trump has called for stand-alone legislation to get more substantial relief checks into the bank accounts of Americans but Pelosi and McConnell who are king and queen of the swamp have other priorities. 


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