Sunday, June 2, 2024

CNN Defense Analysts have now determined that the Israeli Airstrike on May 26th did not cause the fire

CNN Defense Analysts have now determined that the Israeli Airstrike on May 26th against a Hamas Compound in Western Rafah, which was believed to have possibly caused an Explosion and Fire which resulted in the Death of between 35-45 Palestinian Refugees, could not have been “Completely Caused” by the Israeli Airstrike due to the Size of the Explosion. Shrapnel and Parts which were Discovered in the Rubble of the Hamas Compound, which was roughly 200 Meters from the UNRWA Refugee Camp, suggest that the Strike was carried out using 2 GBU-39 Small Diameter Bomb with 250lb Warheads; these Bombs would have not been nearly Powerful enough to have caused the Explosion at the Camp nor would the have been Large enough to cause any kind of “Splash Damage” to the Camp, which again was over a Kilometer from the Strike Location. This Analysis suggests that what Israeli Defense Officials have so far suggested is likely True, which is that Hamas Munitions which were Hidden roughly Half-Way between the Compound and Camp were Detonated by Shrapnel from the Airstrike, causing the Explosion of multiple Fuel Tanks at the Refugee Camp and the eventual Fire.

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