Saturday, June 1, 2024

Left wing hypocrite...why is she not riding a bike?

Socialist, anti-car NYC pol Emily Gallagher racks up tickets totaling over $4K, blew through red light

Assemblywoman Emily Gallagher (D-Brooklyn) — who has demonized drivers for years as she calls for “safer streets” — has racked up at least 46 traffic tickets totaling over $4,000 over the past two-and-a-half years, a review of public records by The Post found. 

The socialist pol’s 2014 White Buick Encore was caught on camera blowing through a red light in the Bronx in November 2022, and ticketed for parking in front of fire hydrants at least six times, according to city records.

Her utter disregard for the rules of the road extends beyond the Big Apple: In March 2022, Albany traffic cops slapped the far-left lawmaker with an expired-meter ticket that she has yet to pay, records show.

Emily Gallagher and car
Assemblywoman Emily Gallagher has been ticketed six times for parking in front of fire hydrants.

Gallagher has been upfront about her war on cars, and called driving a “very kind of aggressive activity” in a 2022 interview.

The scofflaw lawmaker backed a bill known as “Sammy’s Law,” which allows the city to lower speed limits to as low as 10 mph on some streets.She also has thrown her support behind a campaign to shrink the number of traffic lanes on McGuinness Boulevard in Greenpoint.

Anathea Simpkins, who is challenging Gallagher in the June Democratic primary, bashed her opponent for her hypocrisy — such as the progressive pol calling out a motorist on X for parking in a crosswalk, even though she was ticketed for the same violation. 

“Our district deserves leaders who lead by example and practice what they preach, not those who feel the rules don’t apply to them while criticizing others,” Simpkins said. 

After The Post reached out for comment on Friday, Gallagher downplayed the severity of scofflaw behavior on X. “I don’t have speeding or school zone violations. Just some parking tickets I’ve paid,” she huffed. 

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