Monday, June 17, 2024

The State Department's Islamist bent. Brought to you by Obama and Biden

The Strange Finances of Biden’s Terror Ambassador

How does a government employee come into $61 million in twelve bank accounts?

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When Israel took out a top Hamas terrorist, Hady Amr warned that “every Israeli” would pay. And that America would too.

That was less than a year after 9/11. By Oct 7, when Hamas launched its murderous ethnic cleansing assault, Amr had become Biden’s Special Envoy to the ‘Palestinians’.

Formerly employed by a Qatari front group, a state sponsor of Hamas, Amr, a Muslim immigrant who grew up in Saudi Arabia, had advocated for a deal with Hamas.

“I was inspired by the Palestinian intifada,” Amr wrote, making no secret of his hatred for America and Israel. The Muslim immigrant found his way into the State Department under Obama. But then he mysteriously also appeared on the list of Biden’s top bundlers.

Freedom Center Investigates had broken the Amr story and exposed his extremist activities, but there was still one big question hanging overhead. Where did all that money come from?

It’s not unusual for donors to be picked as ambassadors, but those donors are usually wealthy people selected as envoys to friendly nations with no policymaking role. Amr however had bundled money and was then picked for a policymaking position to empower Islamic terrorists.

Hady Amr’s financial disclosures reveal an estimated net worth of between $17 to $61 million.

How does a former ambassador amass those kinds of assets?

Last year, Amr drew a salary of $183,000 from the State Department. As he did in the last two years. And in 2016 when he was working under Obama, he was earning $160,000 a year. While that may seem like a lot of money to ordinary Americans, no one becomes a millionaire on such a salary while living and working as a government official in Washington D.C.

Nor are senior fellows at the Center for a New American Security, the Democrat defense think tank where Amr worked before joining the Biden administration, paid that much more.

But that leaves two other possibilities rooted in the Muslim world.

Between 2006 and 2010, Amr became the founding director of the Brookings Doha Center. While officially a D.C. Democrat operation, Brookings was notorious for acting as a front for Qatar and a New York Times story even suggested that the work some of its personnel did with foreign governments merited “registration as foreign agents”.

Qatar not only provided $14.8 million in funding for the Brookings Doha Center, but its advisory board was co-chaired by Qatar’s foreign prime minister and a member of its royal dynasty while its director had formerly worked for the second of the Qatari Emir’s three wives (and the only wife who also wasn’t a cousin.)

“The center will assume its role in reflecting the bright image of Qatar,” the Qatari Foreign Ministry had boasted.

It’s unknown how much Amr earned while working under the auspices of a state sponsor of Islamic terror in the same city where top Hamas leaders reside.

But there is another significant potential source of Amr’s sizable wealth.

In 2001, Hady Amr founded the eponymous Amr Group incorporated in Arlington VA which claimed to have a “core team” which had been working in the Arab world since the 1980s. His Brookings bio claimed that he had moved on in 2007, but his financial disclosures from 2023 claim that it was only inactive since 2020, when he prepared to join the Biden administration, and show that he still has access to an Amr Group checking account with money in it.

What did the Amr Group do? Its clients included USAID (for which Amr had worked), the UN, the Ford Foundation and most prominently the World Economic Forum where he served as Senior Advisor for Muslim-West Relations and “coordinated $2 million in commitments for NGO projects to strengthen U.S./European relations with Muslim-majority countries in post 9/11 context”. Another of Amr’s clients was the World Links Arab Region where he was listed as the Founding Executive Director spun out of the World Bank with an advisory council featuring the Queen of Jordan, a Saudi billionaire and Assad’s wife.

It’s unknown how much money Amr made from this work since this was a business arrangement and so it’s also the likeliest to have been the most lucrative and a potential source of wealth.

How else could a government employee have amassed as much as $61 million?

This has troubling implications because it would suggest that Hady Amr made his money in the Muslim world. By 2020, when he was on the list of Biden’s bundlers, he had the net worth and the associations to significantly influence a presidential campaign and our foreign policy.

Another striking element of Amr’s wealth is that he has around a dozen bank accounts that held between $3.6 to over $11 million. That’s a huge sum in liquid assets to maintain. And it’s especially odd that it’s scattered across quite so many bank accounts. While some people may break up large cash deposits across different banks to remain under the $250K FDIC limit, a number of Amr’s accounts start at $500,000 and go up from there.

Why would a government employee need to keep so many liquid cash assets around?

That’s a lot of money for a man whose attacks on Israel, under the name of Hady Alex Amr,

used to appear in Forward Motion, an SDS front ‘Socialist’ magazine currently archived at, that was eventually folded into the Communist Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) which is currently organizing pro-terrorist rallies against the Jewish State.

When Hady Amr first launched the Amr Group, he described himself as a “community organizer and human rights activist.” By human rights activist, he meant that he had attacked Israel. But since then he has come a long way to a position any Intifada enthusiast could only dream of.

Amr’s role in the Biden administration however raises questions of how much of the chaos in the Middle East the policies he has vocally advocated for have caused. Especially on Oct 7.

Hady Amr was described in the media as “the key U.S. official dealing with the Israeli-Palestinian issue” and “Biden’s point-man on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.” Now that the conflict has gone global with a significant loss of American lives, there are questions that should be asked about whether Amr’s financial support led to this inappropriate appointment and how many people may have died as a result of this Biden donor and the origins of his wealth.

Was Biden influenced by money originating from state sponsors of terror to appoint a terrorist supporter? And did that inappropriate appointment then help lead to the horrors of Oct 7?

Freedom Center Investigates will continue in its mission of investigating and exposing corruption in our government and the consequences being suffered by Americans.

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