Friday, June 14, 2024

..unvetted illegal immigrants entering the United States under President Joe Biden.

ICE Chief Makes Shocking Admission About Illegal Immigrants 

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) made a damning admission this week on the millions of unvetted illegal immigrants entering the United States under President Joe Biden.

Acting ICE Director Patrick Lechleitner admitted that the Department of Homeland Security often has no information on the identities of the illegal aliens released into the U.S. 

He said that it is nearly impossible for agents to keep track of every single illegal immigrant who crosses the southern border, despite mounting concerns that terrorists are flooding the country. 

Lechleitner was specifically questioned about the eight ISIS-associated undocumented aliens who were apprehended at the southern border. He said that it is unfeasible for ICE agents to properly vet the millions of immigrants illegally, even if they have undergone background checks. 

Well listen, we have individuals that are coming across and they’ve [had background checks done] and Customs and Border Protection are the ones who encounter them at the border, it’s not [ICE] but sometimes there’s just no information on individuals. It’s quite common where there’s just nothingm where you don’t have anything, there’s no criminal convictions, there’s no threat information, or whatever on these individuals or maybe these individuals are from an area of particular concern but that pops up later when you get information later on. As soon as we become aware of any information, like this case we’re working and collaborating with the FBI, we went out and got them.

The acting director explained that one ICE agent is usually responsible for thousands of illegal immigrants, saying that it is not practicable for them to be able to keep track of who they are or their whereabouts once they make it over the border. 

“That is like a probation officer overseeing 7,000 people,” Lechleitner continued. “It is really crazy. It is so large it is untenable. It is the situation we are in. We don’t have enough people to arrest our way out of this. We could use definitely more resources, more support personnel. We need more detention officers. We need more money. More money for detention space. I’ve been on the record saying that. And we need more money for transportation.”

Lechleitner’s comments come after I reported last week about a Border Patrol memo instructing its agents to release illegal immigrants apprehended at the San Diego corridor into the U.S. and label them as either “hard” or “very hard” to deport.

Since Biden’s first day in office, there have been more than 17 million illegal aliens who have entered the country— with many being threats to society and American communities. 

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