Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Anti white racism is equity

Affirmative Action Suit Details How Law School Blackballed Accomplished White Men, Opted For Unqualified Black Women


Only 14% of law professor job offers went to white men due to affirmative action that blocked elite scholars in favor of incompetents, lawsuit says

Northwestern Law School made faculty job offers to only three white men in the last three years, passing over intellectual giants in favor of less qualified black females, including one who graduated “near the bottom of her class” and another who plagiarized when writing an exam, according to a blistering lawsuit filed on Tuesday.
Charging that “[f]aculty hiring at American universities is a cesspool of corruption and lawlessness,” the suit was filed by lawyers including Jonathan Mitchell, who was involved in the 2023 Supreme Court case on Harvard University admissions that blocked affirmative action, and signals that similar lawsuits could be in store against colleges across the country.

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