Sunday, July 28, 2024

The Israel haters":‘I’m left-wing, it’s just part of what we do.’"

Israel’s Great Defender

"It’s an uphill climb and there’s no doubt that the social media landscape makes this extremely difficult, because the information is weighted against us," says Eylon Levy. 


Having studied at Oxford university, Levy says he isn’t surprised by the rampant antisemitism seen on campuses around the Western world.

“I remember over a decade ago, when I was at Oxford, a BDS motion came up with the student union and we managed to defeat it by a margin of six to one,” Levy told The AJN.

“By the way, that’s unthinkable nowadays. I spoke with one of the proponents of the motion and I asked her why she was doing this, because it was clear she had no idea what she was talking about. She said, ‘I’m left-wing, it’s just part of what we do.’

“It’s just part of the bundle of causes that if you support LGBT rights and don’t like oil and you’re a vegetarian that you also think Israel should die,” Levy said.

“I think maybe what has surprised me is just how deeply entrenched and how little resistance that ideology has found.”

Articulate and sharp, Levy became a sought-after government spokesperson at the beginning of the war before politics saw him forced to leave the position.


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