Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Wife of Washington Post hack, who for years accused Trump of being foreign agent, is arrested for being... a foreign agent

Wife of Washington Post hack, who for years accused Trump of being foreign agent, is arrested for being... a foreign agent

“Revenge is a dish best served cold”--In Star Trek II, the Wrath of Khan, those words are said by Khan, portrayed by the late Ricardo Montalban when he thinks he has exiled his longtime enemy, Capt. James Kirk to life on a desolate planet. Now, a Washington Postreporter is getting a taste of the “dish best served cold,” according to The Liberty Daily. 

Washington Post reporter Max Boot, an unhinged leftist, has spent years referring to President Donald Trump as a foreign agent. In the ultimate case of karma, Boot’s wife, Sue Mi Terry, has been indicted for operating as…an unregistered foreign agent for South Korea. 

According to Reuters Legal, Terry, a former CIA and White House National Security Council (NSC) employee was indicted on charges of advocating South Korean policies, disclosing non-public US information, and facilitating access for South Korean officials in exchange for luxury goods. 

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