Sunday, August 18, 2024

Chicago a failing city

Crime-filled Chicago displays all that’s wrong with Democrats in one failing city

If the message of this week’s Democratic National Convention is “We’re going to make America more like Chicago” then run for the hills.

After nearly 100 years of Democratic rule, the Windy City is a basket case. Soaring crime, high taxes, crippling debt, crumbling infrastructure, and a declining population are just some of the miseries inflicted on its citizens. 

Chicago is the murder capital of America — with someone shot every two hours and someone killed every 17 hours. So far this year, 353 victims, most of them black, have been murdered in Chicago. The homicide rate is five times higher than New York’s. 

“Democrats wanted to hold the convention somewhere safer, but Beirut wasn’t available,” quipped one wag. 

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