Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Iran prefers Democrats

Iran attempted to pass hacked Trump campaign info to Biden campaign

New book blasts Biden’s ‘very fine people’ hoax

New book blasts Biden’s ‘very fine people’ hoax

AJ Rice’s sharp new collection, ‘The White Privilege Album,’ puts the big lie about Donald Trump to rest once and for all.

In Joe Biden’s telling of recent American history, no moment defines our times better than when Donald Trump declared in 2017 that even neo-Nazis are “very fine people.”

Biden has cited this line over and over again, telling America and the world that it is the reason he decided to run for president in 2020.

We've depleted our emergency oil reserves for political gain and now we're stuck

Biden's Department Of Energy Short On Cash To Refill SPR At Low Prices

Tyler Durden's Photo
WEDNESDAY, SEP 18, 2024 - 03:30 AM

By Charles Kennedy of

The price of the U.S. WTI crude oil has finally stayed in the low $70s per barrel for a sustainable period of time, allowing the Biden Administration to ramp up the refill of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR), which it had said would do at prices of $79 a barrel or below.

WTI Crude is now at $70 per barrel as of Tuesday morning, after spending days below that threshold.

But the Energy Department has just $841 million left to buy crude for the SPR, Bloomberg reported on Tuesday, citing an estimate by ClearView Energy Partners, a consulting firm. That money would be enough to buy only around 12 million barrels of crude at today’s prices, per Bloomberg’s calculations.

The government made the people defenseless and cannot protect you

Meanwhile In Germany...

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WEDNESDAY, SEP 18, 2024 - 06:05 AM

Via Remix News,

On Wednesday morning, another explosion rocked the city center of Cologne, this time destroying a clothing store and slightly injuring one person. This follows a similar explosive attack on a dance club on Monday, just a few hundred meters away, according to Mandiner.

The Biden/Harris Democrats exhibit their hatred for Americans

Small Town Alabama Residents Silenced For Questioning Sudden Flood Of Haitian Migrants

Tyler Durden's Photo
WEDNESDAY, SEP 18, 2024 - 06:25 AM

This week U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) released its latest statistics showing at least 530,000 migrants flew into the U.S. and were paroled into the country as part of the Biden administration’s controversial mass parole program for those migrating from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela (the CHNV program).  The program essentially expedites the transfer of migrants from these countries with minimal vetting under refugee laws and allows them to stay in the US for at least two years with a work visa. 

The CBP also notes that at least 800,000 more migrants have applied for the program at US ports of entry, meaning they are likely already in the country.  The numbers are not counted as illegal border crossings. The CBP has warned that once the two-year work period ends they do not have the manpower to track down those migrants that refuse to leave voluntarily.

When feel good politics is a danger to your safety

Suspected migrant gangbanger accused of Times Square NYPD brawl was ordered deported before beatdown: docs

Unions main objective is extortion...let The NY Times deal with it

Pampered NY Times workers threaten to strike on Election Day unless bosses agree to their extreme demands

Harris/Walz using the Biden theme by making everything about theaselves and then lying about Trump

Tim Walz Stumped By Question on Inflation; Repeats Lie About Trump ‘Sales Tax’

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, the Democratic nominee for vice president, was stumped Tuesday when asked by a reporter to explain what he and Vice President Kamala Harris would do for families struggling financially.

In an interview with local Macon, Georgia, CBS affiliate WMAZ, Walz first said that he and Harris understood the problem because they are “middle class.”

The dictators mindset

Kamala Harris Says She is Open to Slavery Reparations and Won’t Discount ‘Executive Action’ (VIDEO)

What next a warning label on underwear warning of crotch rot

California bill mandating health warning labels on gas stove sales passes in state legislature

California law awaits Gov. Newsom's signature to be signed into law

Why we can't talk about black-on-white crime

Why we can't talk about black-on-white crime

For the Justice Department's Community Relations Service, resolving conflict means never acknowledging black racism.

“I wish that my son was killed by a 60-year-old white man.”

Imagine saying those words as a father of a dead child.

Vile Democrat anti Semites

Anna Paulina Luna claims liberal group tried to trick her into divulging info then attacked her with sexist, anti-Semitic texts

The Euro fascists are at it again

Danger ahead: Europe's new law is 'going to impact every single American'

While Americans have been focused on the election, the European Union has been in the process of passing a new law. It’s called the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, and its reach will go far beyond European borders.

In fact, “It’s going to impact every single American,” Justin Haskins, author and editorial director of the Heartland Institute, tells Allie Beth Stuckey.

“Essentially, what it does is create ESG social credit scores for companies. ... These ESG scores are designed to transform the way companies operate, the kinds of products and services that they can sell, and then, by extension, transform societies around it,” Haskins explains.

So what does a company’s social credit score depend on?

Apparently, a variety of measures are used to determine a company’s credit score — things like “climate change,” “biodiversity,” “land and water use,” “social justice,” “LGBTQ” causes, and diversity in general.

“How diverse is your board of directors? How diverse is your management team? Like these are the kinds of things that are in these ESG scores,” says Haskins.

Even though the United States doesn’t have a social credit scoring law (most ESG initiatives exist in the private sector), Europe’s CSDDD will nonetheless hugely impact American businesses.

The law “applies to large companies that are based in the European Union” as well as “non-EU companies that do above a certain amount of revenue in the European Union, so for example Apple or McDonald's,” Haskins explains.

Further, these high-earning non-EU companies that fall under the jurisdiction of the CSDDD will be forced to adhere to its policies outside of the EU as well.

“It's not enough for them to change their policies in the EU; they have to change it in America. They have to change it everywhere they do business; that's what the law says, and if they don't, then they can be fined 5% of their total worldwide revenue, so for a company like Apple, if you do the math, that's $19 billion for one violation,” says Haskins, who predicts that “no one's going to violate this law because they can't afford to.”

If that wasn’t extreme enough, the law also applies to “almost all of the businesses that [companies under the CSDDD] work with in their supply chains, upstream and downstream, no matter where they're located or how much business those companies do in the EU.”

Haskins points to Ford as an example. Ford is an American company that does business in the EU and produces enough revenue to fall under the jurisdiction of the CSDDD.

Therefore, “All the businesses that [Ford does] business with in America are also doing these ESG scores,” he says, “so you could be a rubber manufacturer in Ohio that does no business in Europe, but you make rubber for Ford, so you also have to adhere to the EU rule, and Ford is going to be the one that imposes it on you through contractional insurances.”

Naturally, Ford will comply because if the company refuses, “then Ford gets fined 5% of their total worldwide revenue.”

“When you start playing out the ramifications of this, they’re enormous,” Haskins laments, adding that “through this [law], you can transform the entire country because you can transform hiring practices, business practices, the kinds of products that people sell and buy, the commitment to social justice goals,” etc.

“What’s the end goal?” asks Allie.

To hear Haskins' answer, watch the episode above.

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Two Oversight Officials Fired Hours After Pointing Out Anti-Police Bias In Chicago's Office Of Police Accountability

Two Oversight Officials Fired Hours After Pointing Out Anti-Police Bias In Chicago's Office Of Police Accountability

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TUESDAY, SEP 17, 2024 - 09:05 AM

Two members of the Chicago Civilian Office of Police Accountability were fired at the end of last month...immediately after they complained to the Inspector General about bias against police.

Matt Haynam, deputy chief administrator for the Civilian Office of Police Accountability (COPA), responsible for investigating Chicago Police misconduct, was abruptly dismissed during a virtual meeting with COPA Chief Andrea Kersten and general counsel Robin Murphy, according to a report from Law Enforcement Today, citing the Chicago Sun Times.

Earning $163,068 annually, Haynam said he was given no explanation for his immediate termination. Within 90 minutes of the meeting, COPA employees arrived at his home to collect his city-issued car, computer, and phone.

Haynam said he received a text from supervising investigator Garrett Schaaf, who had been similarly fired. Schaaf, who earns $117,792 annually, declined to comment.

Making Americans poorer and unemployed

Watch: Resident Of PA Manufacturing Town Exposes Reality Of Haitian 'Great Job Replacement'

Tyler Durden's Photo
MONDAY, SEP 16, 2024 - 06:20 PM

While Americans were hyper-fixated on the 20,000 Haitians the Biden-Harris administration dumped into Springfield, Ohio, through an expanded Temporary Protected Status program for migrants from the collapsed Caribbean nation, former President Trump shifted the conversation during a campaign rally last week to Charleroi, Pennsylvania. 

Ahead of Trump spotlighting the Haitian surge in the tiny blue-collar town of Charleroi during a rally last week in Arizona, we cited the think tank America 2100, which first revealed that the town's population of Haitian migrants exploded by 2,000% over the past two years.

Several downtown residents spoke with us about the ongoing migrant surge. They said when the national media began covering the situation in Springfield — they thought, "Wait a minute"—the same migrant influx orchestrated by the Biden-Harris administration was happening across their town. 

We spoke with one employee at a local shop, and we will keep his name anonymous for fear of retribution by local officials or the federal government. He provided us with helpful insight into the Haitian crisis in Charleroi. 

He said at least half of the town's population is now Haitian, noting the influx began to become noticeable under the Biden-Harris' first term, adding there was just a recent surge in new Haitians. Many of these migrants are beneficiaries of Temporary Protected Status. 

As far as what is visible by residents, they explained the primary reason the Haitians were dumped into the town was because of Fourth Street Foods, a food manufacturer that produces quality frozen food products for the processed foods industrial complex. These foods end up being sold in major retail stores throughout the US. 

Let's remind readers in March, we penned a note titled "How Shadowy Network Of NGOs Supplies Mega-Corporations With Migrants To Exploit Cheap Labor," which is possibly how this entire scheme is being operated. The federal government alone can't possibly plan shelter and transportation arrangements for the migrants. 

The consequence of importing third-world migrants to replace blue-collar workers in the town crushes native households. Many residents complained that rents are out of control because the migrants exacerbated a housing shortage. Some have left the town for cheaper housing outside city limits.

The picture being painted in Charleroi is part of a much broader labor theme:

The individual said Haitians are being shuttled to and from the food packaging plants via a complex network of vans. There must be dozens and dozens of these vans, easily spotted while driving down city streets. Several of the vans had a logo with a sign that read  'The Wellington Agency,' a staffing company. 

Several times during the ride-along with the individual, Haitian drivers nearly hit the vehicle. He noted that one local DMV worker posted on the town's Facebook page about licenses being handed out to migrants like candy. He said migrants are sparking accidents all over town, which has led to a surge in insurance rates. 

One of the biggest takeaways is that open southern borders and other ways to import migrants from third-world countries have not just been done for election purposes that favor Democrats but as a source of low-cost labor to mega-corporations as the great replacement of native-born workers with foreign-born workers plays out. Basically, the federal gov't and corporate America are selling out blue-collar workers for cheap migrants.

Residents of Charleroi had no say in their beloved town, sold out by local, state, and federal politicians and possibly a network of taxpayer-funded NGOs who facilitated the migrant invasion. Corporate profits are certainly being prioritized over the native residents. 

There was no mention of the Haitians eating dogs and cats, but there were numerous sightings of goat carcasses on a backroad that many in the town joked in a Facebook group: "Hide your goats." 

Here's what the Charleroi residents are talking about on their private Facebook group:

Watch: The ride-along in Charleroi occurred on Sunday while factories were shuttered and the town was quiet. 

And this. 

The biggest takeaway is that great replacement is ravaging American blue-collar households while the federal gov't and their corporate overlords import the third world to the first world just to make more profits.

Hillary's rhetoric is a danger to our country

Hillary Clinton calls Trump ‘danger to our country and the world’ — just one day after second assassination attempt

Kamala's noble prostitutes

Kamala Harris backed decriminalizing prostitution during 2020 campaign — and hasn’t changed her mind

Here’s one flip-flop Kamala Harris hasn’t made — yet.

The vice president and Democratic nominee has expressed support for decriminalizing prostitution, both as a senator from California and as San Francisco district attorney.

But with the 59-year-old up for the highest office in the land, the campaign has refused to say whether that stance holds.

Harris last commented on whether she thinks “sex work” should be legal for consenting adults back in 2019, during her failed run for the White House.

“I think so, I do,” Harris told The Root in an interview at the time