Saturday, September 28, 2024



Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the United Nations General Assembly yesterday. The prime minister’s office posted the YouTube video (below) on X Times of Israel has posted the text

Diplomats of unfriendly nations left the room when Netanyahu took the floor. Like northern Israel, the room was mostly depopulated. Hezbollah is responsible for the depopulation of northern Israel as a result of its attacks on every day since October 8, when it joined Hamas’s war on Israel.

Those who left the room to protest Netanyahu did so as a result of no personal risk to themselves. Rather, the reason they departed was an anti-Semitic aversion to Israel and the truth. What a disgrace.

Netanyahu spoke bluntly with his usual eloquence. He characterized the United Nations as an “anti-Israel flat-earth society.” Referring to the ludicrous prosecution of Israel in the International Criminal Court, he observed: “Ladies and gentlemen, the real war criminals are not in Israel. They’re in Iran. They’re in Gaza, in Syria, in Lebanon, in Yemen. Those of you who stand with these war criminals, those of you who stand with evil against good, with the curse against the blessing, those of you who do so should be ashamed of yourselves.”

Netanyahu concluded with a timely exhortation: “To the people of Israel and to the soldiers of Israel, I say: Be strong and of good courage….The people of Israel live now, tomorrow, forever.”

Here is a footnote to Netanyahu’s speech.

The speech had a uniquely historic dimension. The speech was reportedly intended to lull Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah into a momentary sense of security. It was part of Israel’s operation to bomb Hezbollah’s underground headquarters in Lebanon. The bombing immediately followed Netanyahu’s speech and pulverized Nasrallah. For all who love Israel, this was a great day.

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