Monday, September 23, 2024

US Manufacturing PMI Plunges To 15-Month Lows; Prices Are Soaring Again...Tim Walz was right we cannot put up with another four years of this

US Manufacturing PMI Plunges To 15-Month Lows; Prices Are Soaring Again

Tyler Durden's Photo
MONDAY, SEP 23, 2024 - 06:54 AM

Following the shitshow that was European PMIs overnight, preliminary September soft survey data for the US was expected to be mixed with Services weaker but Manufacturing bouncing back a little.

Despite strength in 'hard' data relative to expectations, PMIs disappointed in the early September print with both Services and Manufacturing falling.

  • S&P Global US Manufacturing PMI 47.0 (48.6 exp, 47.9 prior) - lowest since June 2023

  • S&P Global US Services PMI 55.4 (55.2 exp, 55.7 prior) - two-month lows

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