Saturday, February 7, 2009

Ya think!

Earmark-Free Stimulus Bill Lacks Spending Direction

The Stimulus Bill is a function of two parts of the Democrat Party getting what they want. First, there are the no-growth greenies who literally do not want actual growth or economic stimulation. These are the folks who are unhappy that gas prices are no longer $4/gallon. They want you to use less electricity except when it comes to plug in electric cars. Kinda makes your head swim. They are against drilling, gas exploration and nuclear power (the cleanest most efficient form of electricity production. Instead they'd rather have us populate the landscape with millions of acres of windmills and solar panels which at this point are horribly inefficient.
Then there are the redistributionists who think that spending on social programs are just the cat's meow. Giving millions in grants to people who think that putting a crucifix in urine is art. Or, putting more money into the school system without reforming it will somehow work. Why does the government feel it necessary to demand serious reform plans from the auto companies to get more funds while the education establishment has to make no serious changes like requiring the teachers to actually speak English correctly or know something about the topic they teach. Yes, it's a payoff to the teachers unions and the arts establishment.
This segment of the Democrat Party is also populated by the ACORN types. The same folks who brought you the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac debacles. The same people who think you have too much and why shouldn't their constituencies have just as much no matter how much effort or lack thereof they put into their lives. These same folks believe that by restricting trade they will somehow be made richer.
May we be saved from people who think economics is simply the distribution of wealth. Economics has rules that are as rigid as the laws of physics. Every time the socialists/communists have tried to regulate in a way that ignores or dismisses these inevitability's they self destruct. I fear we're in the grip of these arrogant types right now. Just ask Nancy Pelosi or the President.

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