Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Dissecting leftism

The Left's Sexual Terrorism

By Robin of Berkeley
Like most of my young clients, Becky considers herself a progressive leftist. But unlike her peers, she is also angered by the Left. Becky's main gripe is street harassment -- and liberal men not having her back.

Becky consulted with a male friend and asked him why so many men of color accost her on the streets of Berkeley. She's lived all over the world and hasn't run into this much abuse elsewhere.

Her friend told her, "The brothers harass you to put you in your place, to knock you down from your high holy horse. It's about power."

Becky's story reminded me of these chilling words from Eldridge Cleaver, the '60s Black Panther who admitted to raping several white women to advance the revolution. He once wrote:

Rape was an insurrectionary act. It delighted me that I was defying and trampling upon the white man's law, upon his system of values, and that I was defiling his women. ... I felt I was getting revenge.

Observing the political scene today, it's clear that the sexual menacing hasn't stopped. Sarah Palin has been on the receiving end of a steady barrage of sexual degradation. Here's a title of an article from the June 2010 Harper's Magazine: "Is Sarah Palin Porn?"

According to the new book Game Change, Palin was devastated when she was attacked fast and furiously. Her torment was by design. As Cleaver revealed, the Left has been using and abusing women for years.

The "wilding" of Palin was meant not just to demean her, but to frighten her. Leftists wanted to expose the raw nerve of vulnerability lying deep inside every woman's soul. It is the knowledge that anytime, anywhere, we can be raped.

The word "vulnerable" comes from the Latin vulnus, which means to wound. And this is exactly what the Left has been doing to conservative women like Palin -- terrorizing and wounding them.

The radicals are experts at controlling women. They've been dominating their own women for decades. To say that the Left is a safe harbor for women is to misunderstand their roots.

The women's movement arose partly because women were locked out of positions of authority in the antiwar and civil rights movements. Even more disturbingly, women were brainwashed to believe that their main duty was sexual. As civil rights activist Stokely Carmichael infamously phrased it, "The role of women in the movement is prone."

When SDS member Marilyn Webb dared to stand up at the National Mobilization Committee to advocate for women's rights, she was laughed off the stage with catcalls and cackles of "Take it off" and "Take her off the stage and f**k her." After her appearance, her life was threatened.

Women's degradation led fiery radical feminist Andrea Dworkin to issue this injunction: "The Left cannot have its whores and its politics too."

Many male radicals eventually snapped out of their leftist trances -- for instance, David Horowitz and Michael Medved, and most spectacularly, that avowed rapist, Eldridge Cleaver.

After living underground in several communist countries, Cleaver did a 180. He became a born-again Christian, turned himself in, and devoted the rest of his life tosharing his story.

But while some men departed, what about the Left's women? Did any of them wake up?

The only woman who comes to mind is Patty Hearst, who wrote a book about her ordeal. But Hearst was kidnapped into the movement, and she was eventually rescued and deprogrammed.

My personal theory: Many women in the movement never recovered because they had their souls crushed. Radical women sold their bodies, and their souls, for the revolution.

Hippie chicks said yes to antiwar men who said no. Then there were the communist white girls who slept with black boys to entice them into Marxism. (Was Obama's mother encouraged to be one of them?)

The more extreme sects forced their women to do all sorts of heinous acts, both sexual and violent. When Charles Manson ordered his women to have sex with various men for free rent and other favors, the women obeyed. The Weather Underground leaders required members to have anonymous sex in order to destroy their humanity.

Bill Ayer's girlfriend, Weather Underground member Diana Oughton, transformed from an ebullient young woman to an emaciated zombie. She was killed when a nail bomb she was building exploded, demolishing a Greenwich Village townhouse.

Today's Leftists no longer walk the streets of Oakland in military garb, and they don't blow up ROTC buildings. Now they hold the highest positions in the land. But underneath their three-piece suits, they still resemble the radicals of old.

Like their forefathers, they not only fail to protect women, but they put women in harm's way. Case in point: the Left's support for radical Islam, a culture tantamount to slavery for women. And a new generation of leftist women participate in their own destruction.

Why wouldn't the Left align themselves with an ideology which shrouds women in a burqa and requires their total subservience to men? Isn't absolute obedience the Left's endgame?

The Left has no qualms about using guerrilla tactics that would be anathema to any moral person. They "Alinsky" opponents through marginalizing, ridiculing, and dehumanizing. But for women, the Left's arsenal sinks deeper and darker.

The radicals -- both men and women -- utilize a form of domestic terrorism which could have been designed by Lucifer, the fallen angel whom Alinsky idolized.

Their weapon? Sexual terrorism.

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