Friday, June 18, 2010

He's using an absurd statement to defend himself. What a buffoon.

Who told Obama drilling is 'absolutely safe'?

What about government incompetence? In the middle of a catastrophe the government wants to check for life vests and fire extinguishers. Is it lack of judgement or intentional destruction. Was it an attempt to harm Gov. Jindal?

If you get a chance listen to the Congressional hearings. The whole thing was a show trial. The interrogators wanted answers when the investigation is no where near complete. They badgered Mr. Hayward not to actually learn anything but to ridicule him. Another bit of Alinskyism. They mocked him and without question showed themselves to be the petty creeps they are. Perhaps it's time to make Henry Waxman the poster child for a dysfunctional and vulgar government

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