Saturday, June 12, 2010

Isn't the Nazi, racist schtick rancid yet. Well not for the Democrat/leftists

This by itself should disqualify the lead moonbeam...

Brown: Goebbels crack 'jogging talk'
By: Maggie Haberman
June 10, 2010 11:11 PM EDT

California Democratic gubernatorial hopeful Jerry Brown compared his free-spending Republican rival Meg Whitman with Nazi propaganda master Joseph Goebbels as he laced into her ambitions for higher office.

Brown made the remark during an impromptu conversation with KCBS reporter Doug Sovern, who ran into the gubernatorial candidate and current state attorney general on a jogging path during the past weekend, before Whitman clinched a primary victory on Tuesday.

Sovern posted quotations from the often-rambling conversation on his blog Wednesday night.

"You know, by the time she's done with me, two months from now, I'll be a child-molesting ..." Sovern quoted Brown as saying. "She'll have people believing whatever she wants about me."

Then he added, "It's like Goebbels. ... Goebbels invented this kind of propaganda. He took control of the whole world. She wants to be president. That's her ambition, the first woman president. That's what this is all about."

Brown's representatives did not deny the statement when asked directly about it but described it as "jogging talk" that was "taken out of context."

Whitman's campaign blast e-mailed the astonishing comment, which is sure to raise protests from California's Jewish voters over its light invocation of a notorious anti-Semite whose name is synonymous with engineering the Holocaust.

"Just last week, Gov. Brown promised he wasn't going to engage in mudslinging, but now he is comparing Meg Whitman to Hitler's minister of propaganda, Joseph Goebbels," said her campaign manager, Jillian Hasner.

"Jerry Brown's statements comparing our campaign to a propagator of the Holocaust is deeply offensive and entirely unacceptable."

Whitman, the former CEO of eBay, plowed $80 million into her primary run, more than $70 million of which was from her personal fortune.

Brown has complained bitterly about the pace of spending on paid media in the campaign.

Sovern also featured other quotations from the jogging trail, in which he asked the 72-year-old Brown about reporters wanting to talk with him.

"No, no one ever wants to talk to me. You're the oddball. You're the only one," Brown said.

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