Sunday, August 8, 2010

What's going on here

Something stinks here, is this why Obama is not there because he can’t be seen with them? so is she doing the dirty work? This is sort of interesting.
· The press is uncharacteristically all over Michelle for her trip to Spain, for the expense of it blah-blah. Buried in a Spanish newspaper, she is meeting with Saudi and Qatari royals. Hadn’t seen that until now. (link; in Spanish)
Varias casas reales árabes también pasan sus veranos en Marbella desde hace años. Así, habrá un encuentro entre Michelle Obama y el príncipe Salman bin Abdelaziz, gobernador de Riad y hermano del fallecido Rey Fahd de Arabia Saudí; mientras que se baraja otra reunión de la primera dama con el propietario del Málaga CF, empresario multimillonario, hijo del ministro del Interior de Qatar y miembro de la familia real qatarí, Abdullah Al Thani.
“Several arab royal families spend their summers in Marbella for years now. So, there will be a meeting between Michelle Obama and Prince Salman bin Abdelaziz, governor of Ryadh and brother of deceased King Fahd of Saudi Arabia while there is word of a meeting between the First Lady and the owner of Malaga CF, multimillionaire son of the Minister of the Interior of Qatar and member of the Qatari royal family, Abdullah Al Thani.”
It’s also been reported she may meet Jesse Jackson allegedly also on vacation, not to mention the numerous sheiks who spend the summer here.”

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