Saturday, October 2, 2010

A reflection of where they come from and their attitudes...

...they are the victims so they're entitled to be messy.

So Glenn Beck was crazy for calling them Socialists and Communists? This rally proves how right he is.
In the video you'll see a table with copies of Marx-Engles books. If you look careful as they pan you'll see a copy of Marx's The Jewish Question" It's not a positive view. And, yet there are far too many Jews who support this totalitarian monster. Marx was wrong about religion as well the "opiate" of the masses is not religion but free candy.
"Marxists live in a perpetual juvenile fantasy world which only truly exists inside their own minds." (crusader92)

One Nation of slogan mongers. Will the Gay participants bother to tell the Che supporters that Che hated and murdered homosexuals

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