Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Liberals have their humor removed at birth to be replaced with arrogance and superciliousness

CNN: Sissy Pizza Gate

November 15, 2011 by Don Surber

Remember when Wolf Blitzer did so poorly on Celebrity Jeopardy that he lost $5,000? They gave him another $1,000 so he could play Final Jeopardy. And he lost that, too. No one could be that dumb, right? Actually, all indications are that Wolf Blitzer is pretty daggoned stupid. Consider this exchange as transcribed by News Busters:

WOLF BLITZER: Well let me just read to you a very – some quotes from Herman Cain, who’s dropped significantly in our new poll, in a new interview in GQ magazine. He said this, the former Godfather’s Pizza CEO:

“The more toppings a man has on his pizza, I believe the more manly he is. A manly man don’t want it piled high with vegetables! He would call that a sissy pizza.”

You got a problem with that, Donna?

DONNA BRAZILLE, Democratic strategist: Well, you know, Herman Cain clearly has a, quote-unquote, “women’s problem.” He doesn’t know how to address women, he doesn’t know how to respect women. And now he’s making this comment about, you know, bring on more toppings. The truth of the matter is that Herman Cain – his math doesn’t add up, he’s 9-9-9 doesn’t add up, and now these allegations clearly have left Herman Cain with a huge credibility problem.

Jonathan Capehart of the Washington Post is equally inane in reporting on this: “As the‘sissy pizza’ interview with GQ attests, Herman Cain is a man without a filter. That’s great when you’re just a regular joe or the head of a company who wants to fire up his employees. But when you’re running to lead the free world? A filter is a must. There are so many examples of Cain’s excesses that the flagging Republican front-runner’s utterances fall into three distinct buckets. ‘Reckless,’ ‘illogical’ and ‘yes/no’.”

This is another shopworn tactic of liberals posing as reporters: Take seriously remarks made in jest.

Frankly, it is so over-the-top that it is a self-parody of CNN news.

It was not that long ago that a news story reported that the Obama White House was an unfriendly place for women. But, then again to ask Democrat operatives to have any integrity is beyond expectation.

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