Sunday, September 23, 2012

He took advantage of nothing more then obeying the tax law

CNN's Candy Crowley: I Take Advantage of the Tax Code Just Like Romney

CNN's Candy Crowley on Sunday oddly went counter to the liberal media meme concerning Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney's taxes.
In a State of the Union discussion on the subject with Senators Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), Crowley actually said, "It is the IRS system and he took advantage of it which I do, which I assume both of you do" (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary):
"Why are his income tax returns still important?” asked Durbin. “Well, he doesn’t meet his father’s standard. His father set a standard in terms of disclosure. He hasn’t met that standard, and there is something in those income tax returns he doesn’t want America to see. So he’s selectively been disclosing a few things here and there.”
“There’s nothing that suggests that there’s something illegal has gone on," countered Crowley. "I grant you we haven’t seen all of them for the past twenty years, but are you not in effect blaming the player when what you ought to do is blame the game?”
“It is the IRS system,” Crowley continued, “and he took advantage of it which I do, which I assume both of you do.”
I sure hope Crowley keeps this in mind when she moderates her first presidential debate on October 16.
The despicable Dick Durbin. Nothing to say but accusations aplenty. Remember this is the guy who compared our troops to Pol Pot, the Nazi's, etc. A true low rent mind.

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