Friday, March 8, 2013

Has Hell frozen over?

  • UN Human Rights Report Criticizes Palestinians

  • The UN Human Rights Council issued a report on March 6 on human rights violations during "the escalation between Israel, the de facto authorities in Gaza and Palestinian armed groups in Gaza" during November 14-21, 2012. After criticizing Israel, the report said:
        "Palestinian armed groups continuously violated international humanitarian law, by launching indiscriminate attacks on Israel and by attacking civilians, thereby disregarding the principle of distinction. The armed groups failed to take all feasible precautions in attacks, in particular by launching rockets from populated areas, which put the population at grave risk."
        "Furthermore, several Palestinians were killed by rockets launched by the armed groups that fell short and landed in the Gaza Strip [including Omar Mishrawi, the son of a BBC reporter]. In addition, seven alleged collaborators held in DFA detention facilities were summarily executed, constituting a violation of their right to life and of international humanitarian law."  (UN Human Rights Council)

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