Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The war against the right to defend yourself

'Linen King' could get three years for illegal gun

It'll be prison bedsheets for three years if Manhattan prosecutors have their way with millionaire linen magnate George Bardwil.
Prosecutors today said they will recommend no less than a three-year sentence for Bardwil -- owner of Bardwil Home, the country's biggest table-linen company -- for possessing an illegal gun in his E. 51st Street apartment in January.
Bardwil is fighting the gun possession charge. The gun, a loaded, .40 cal Sig Sauer, was legally registered to Bardwil's bodyguard, who had left it in a secure box in the apartment, argues defense lawyer Michael Bachner.
Security footage from inside the posh, Turtle Bay pad shows Bardwil pointing the gun at an attempted burglar, the lawyer told The Post. Bardwil was arrested for the gun after he called 911 to report the burglary, and showed them the surveillance footage of himself pointing the gun at the retreating thief, who was later arrested himself.
"There's no dispute that George was bing burglarized," the lawyer said after Bardwil pleaded not guilty to felony gun possession this morning in Manhattan Supreme Court. "George had been the victim of multiple burglaries, and the DA's office concedes that it was used in self defense."
Bardwil, 60, is still facing assault charges for allegedly pummeling his beautiful ex-wife, Emiko, 26, during an argument at the apartment in May. He remains free on $250,000 bail. The ex needed multiple staples to close a gash from her head hitting the sidewalk outside the apartment; Bardwil is claiming she just fell.

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