Sunday, May 5, 2013

Here are some comments to an article attacking the NRA

"Former Rep. Giffords was shot by a left-wing moonbat, not a member of the NRA. The guy in Newtown was also a product of a Democrat left-moonbat family, not NRA members. And while we're at it, James Holmes, the Aurora CO theater shooter was a registered Democrat and Obama campaign staffer. The VA Tech shooter, another moonbat who wrote hate mail to former President Bush. Klebold and Harris of Columbine fame, "progressive," Democrat parents. All of these shooters had mental issues that required medication, but liberalism was at least the secondary mental disorder from which they suffered. And like Tamerlan Tsarnaev (Obama supporter), not one of them belonged to the NRA, which means that attacking the NRA is like using leaches to cure a toothache."

" you smart liberal types tell us not to blame ALL Muslims for acts of terrorism done by a few. When are you going to stop treating the NRA and ALL gun owners for crimes done by a few?"

" I suppose if a drunk driver killed somebody you would parade the victim around like Margy is doing and demand the return of prohibition. Liberals want to punish the innocent and do nothing to actually solve problems."

"You are correct, but Margery is so ill informed on the subject that she doesn't realize that the perps in Newtown, Aurora, etc. wouldn't have gone through her 5 minute background check in any case because they didn't buy their guns legally. This is tantamount to complaining that a criminal who steals his gun didn't have to undergo a background check. It hard to believe that she could write this without realizing just how stupid this makes her sound."

"Libtards tell us it is impossible to roundup and deport 11 million illegal aliens, but they truly believe they can eventually confiscate 300 million privately owned firearms. Bwaaahahahaha"

Here is the link to the article:

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