If Israeli Jews do not leave Jerusalem, they should be shot, says a Palestinian community leader speaking at Toronto’s annual Al-Quds Day rally. He added, however, that they should be given a two-minute warning before being shot.
“We say get out or you are dead. We give them two minutes and then we start shooting and that’s the only way they will understand,” said the speaker, who the Jewish Telegraphic Agencyidentified as Former President of Palestine House in Toronto, Elias Hazineh.
At Toronto ‘Al Quds Day’ Event, Palestinian Activist Says Give Israel’s Jews 2 Minute Warning, then Shoot Them
Al-Quds Day speaker in Toronto: “We give them two minutes and then we start shooting…” (Screenshot: YouTube)
In the Saturday event that was captured on video, one hears audience members shouting, “That’s right!”
“We have to give them an ultimatum. You have to leave Jerusalem. You have to leave Palestine, and the people of Palestine who have been waiting in refugee camps in Lebanon, in Syria, in Egypt and in Jordan must have their right to return to their homes,” Hazineh said.
He quoted from the Koran, which according to Israel National News in English is translated as:  “And prepare against them whatever you are able of power and steeds of war.”
“That’s the only thing that they’ll understand!” the speaker added.
According to an explanation posted on YouTube, the verse addresses the preparation for jihad against the “infidels.”
Promoting a theme commonly cited among anti-Israel activists suggesting Israel usurped Palestinian land, Hazineh said, “I want to remind you of how police work. When somebody tries to rob a bank the police gets in, they don’t negotiate and we’ve been negotiating with them for 65 years.”
The Jewish Telegraphic Agency reports that Al-Quds Day is marked every year in Toronto. A global Al-Quds Day was established by the late Iranian leader Ayatollah Khomeini as a vehicle to push for “liberation” of Jerusalem, or Al-Quds in Arabic.
Demonstrators waved Iranian, Syrian and Hezbollah flags, as well as photos of Ayatollah Khomeini, according to Israel National News, which describes the participants as “a mixture of around 300 Shi’a Islamists, radical leftists, and a small group of Neturei Karta activists, who were apparently unfazed by the event taking place on Shabbat (the Jewish Sabbath).” Neturei Karta is an ultra-Orthodox Jewish sect that opposes the existence of Israel as a Jewish state.
This year, the Ontario Legislature denied a permit to the group to hold the rally on its grounds, citing “public safety.” Additionally, Israel National News reports that Sunni Muslims boycotted the event over anger at the continued hostilities involving Syrian President Bashar Assad, a close Iranian ally.
JTA reports, “Last year, the federal government cut funding to Palestine House, which had offered newcomer settlement and language instruction services, because of what Ottawa called the cultural center’s ‘pattern of support for extremism.’”
Watch the video of the speech here: