Monday, August 19, 2013

Oakland: crime creates poverty not the other way.

The terrifying moment an innocent motorist is caught in crossfire of a broad daylight gang shooting as 15 bullets are fired across his windshield

  • The stunned motorist captured the shocking shootout on his car camera
  • A gunman repeatedly fires across his windscreen at an oncoming car
  • One witness nonchalantly walks by seemingly unmoved by the incident
  • City boss says tough action is needed to tackle reckless criminals

The muzzle flash of an automatic firearm flares just feet from the windscreen of a terrified motorist after he had the misfortune of driving into a shootout in broad daylight.
The gunmen, one in a blue hoodie and another in a white hoodie, fire their automatic handguns no fewer than 15 times at the red car heading in the opposite direction, which swerves erratically to avoid the bullets.
Just feet away, a passerby turns his head to see what all the commotion is about.
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Lawless: The muzzle flash, circled in red, was visible for just a fraction of a second after the gunman, out of shot on the right, opened fire
Lawless: The muzzle flash, circled in red, was visible for just a fraction of a second after the gunman, out of shot on the right, opened fire
In a sign gun crime has become an everyday occurrence on the streets of Oakland, he turns his back again and - not bothering to dive for cover, or to even run away - carries on walking.
The shocking incident filmed in the working class area of West Oakland, California on Wednesday is the latest in a series of gun-related crimes that paint a picture of an increasingly lawless city.
The driver, who captured the footage on his car camera, hesitates before he continues on his journey, risking his own life as he drives through the hail of bullets, one can only assume because panic set in.
The motorist, who is too terrified to be named for fear of reprisals, was at the junction of 23rd Oakland and East 23rd when the gunman opened fire without warning.
Trap: The two men, at the top of the screen on the right, were laying in wait for the red car as it headed down the hill
Trap: The two men, at the top of the screen on the right, were laying in wait for the red car as it headed down the hill
Getting ready: The two suspects start to move into action as they prepare to draw their weapons
Getting ready: The two suspects start to move into action as they prepare to draw their weapons
Deadly: The motorist in the car continues to drive towards the junction even though the two men have drawn their weapons
Deadly: The motorist in the car continues to drive towards the junction even though the two men have drawn their weapons
At least six people, who were just feet away, were lucky to escape with their lives.
The motorist told news channel KP1X5: 'I'm scared to death. I feel unsafe to live in Oakland.'
The gun fight is the latest incident to make the headlines in what is being seen as the increasingly lawless city of Oakland.
City councillor Noel Gallo believed criminals are growing more reckless by the day due to a lack of police action.
He believes the authorities do not want police officers them to take an 'aggressive' approach to cleaning up the city.
Fearless: A passerby crossing the road at he top of the screen, turns to look over his shoulder to see what the fuss is all about
Fearless: A passerby crossing the road at he top of the screen, turns to look over his shoulder to see what the fuss is all about
Staring death in the face: The motorist continues to drive towards the junction, and the hooded gunman is partially concealed behind a telegraph pole
Staring death in the face: The motorist continues to drive towards the junction, and the hooded gunman is partially concealed behind a telegraph pole
He said: 'It's really disturbing and alarming that this is continuing on a daily basis.
'We need to take these guns off their hands and the only way to do it is to stop, question and search people and remove their guns.'
Last month a seven-year-old boy was caught up in the crossfire when a running gunfight broke out in High Street, Oakland.
Police identified one of the people allegedly involved, but did not arrest him because it was argued he had only returned fire after coming under fire himself, meaning he had acted in self defence.
It is precisely this lack of police activity that Councillor Gallo believes is at the heart of the growing problem.
Nonchalant: The passrby continues on his way despite the hail of bullets being fired just across the street from him
Nonchalant: The passrby continues on his way despite the hail of bullets being fired just across the street from him


F.R. Duplantier said...

Don't lock your car doors when driving through that neighborhood. It might offend someone.

Paul Smith said...

I am hoping exactly the same greatest perform coming from people in the prospective additionally.

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