In his ongoing investigation of fake EPA spy John Beale, Sen. David Vitter (R., La.) is increasingly focused on Beale's role in leading a 1997 rewrite of federal rules on air quality. Beale not only forced a quick conclusion based on questionable data. He also pressured the Clinton Administration's Office of Management and Budget to stop criticizing the new rules, known as the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for Ozone and Particulate Matter. 

In a draft report, Sen. Vitter also places the Beale rules in context: "Since the 1997 standards were issued, EPA has steadfastly refused to facilitate independent analysis of the studies upon which the benefits claimed were based. While this is alarming in and of its self, this report also reveals that the EPA has continued to rely upon the secret science within the same two studies to justify the vast majority of all Clean Air Act regulations issued to this day. In manipulating the scientific process, Beale effectively closed the door to open scientific enquiry, a practice the Agency has followed ever since."