Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Government incompetence

Posted By Bryan Preston On May 5, 2014 @ 3:45 pm In Obamacare,Politics | 3 Comments
And then there were three. Three blue states — Oregon, Maryland and now Massachusetts — have done such a bang-up job spending taxpayer money on Obamacare websites that they have been forced to abandon those websites. The Boston Globe reports that “Massachusetts plans to completely scrap the state’s dysfunctional online health insurance website, deciding that it would be too expensive and time-consuming to fix the overwhelming number of flaws.
“Instead, officials will buy an off-the-shelf product used by several other states to enroll residents in health plans, while simultaneously preparing to join the federal HealthCare.gov insurance marketplace if that product fails.”
Massachusetts’ website was supposed to tell customers whether they qualified for government subsidized healthcare plans, but the site did not work at launch and never worked.
Massachusetts contracted with CGI Group to have its state exchange website built, at a cost of $69 million. CGI Group botched Healthcare.gov, along with the Massachusetts site.

Hat tip: PJ Media

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