Saturday, June 7, 2014

More proof the notion of settled science is a crock. No matter the scientific discipline.

Why being FAT can be good for you: A controversial book by a top doctor claims being overweight can help you fight disease - and even live longer

Consider the various bits of advice doled out by so-called medical experts in the past 100 years or so and you’ll realise how often there has been a complete about-turn when it comes to the validity of a certain fact, claim, or practice. 
At one time or another, scientists deemed it acceptable to use X-rays to measure shoe size, recommended baby formula over breast milk, and even endorsed cigarette smoking. 
Looking back, it seems incredible that we were ever misled in this way and yet I believe that we are currently subject to one of the greatest misconceptions of all — the belief that obesity is necessarily bad for us.

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Why is Michelle trying to harm our children?

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