Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Next time you think police act precipitously, remember this story.

Handcuffed man shoots at officers using gun from butt cheeks

DENVER – A report released Monday shows Denver Police officers searched a drug suspect repeatedly before he opened fire at them after his arrest.
Denver Police say the suspect, 32-year-old Isaac Vigil, was being transported to the police station in handcuffs when he pulled a gun from the crack of his buttocks and fired at officers. The report released by the Denver District Attorney says Vigil fired at officers twice before his gun jammed.
According to court documents, Denver Police Narcotics detectives arrested Vigil on May 14 in a McDonald's parking lot after seeing him smoke meth. Vigil was busted for possession of drug paraphernalia and a warrant for assault, felony menacing and possession of a weapon from Adams County.
Police had called for a uniformed officer in a patrol car to assist them during the arrest because Vigil was "violent and aggressive behavior." The officers needed a car that had a cage in the back to transport Vigil.
After his arrest, police say Vigil threatened several times to shoot the officers and that he wanted to die. He also allegedly told police he had been smoking meth for three days and did not want to go back to prison. He was searched before being put in the back of the police car, but officers noted it was difficult to search him because he was "highly agitated." According to the DA's report, Denver Police officers searched Vigil three times before putting him in the back of the patrol car.
Officers say when they arrived at the police district, Vigil refused to get out of the car and fired two shots from behind his back. That's when police shot at him, injuring him in the stomach.
The Denver District Attorney investigated the shooting. In a letter released Monday, the DA's office said, "I conclude that under applicable Colorado law no criminal charges are fillable against Corporal Sisneros. My decision, based on criminal-law standards, does not limit administrative action by the Denver Police Department, where non-criminal issues can be reviewed, or civil actions where less-stringent laws, rules and legal levels of proof apply."
Vigil is now facing attempted murder charges for firing at officers. He's at the Denver Jail after spending some time at a hospital, recovering from his injuries. The criminal case against Vigil is ongoing.
Vigil has an extensive criminal history across the Denver metro area. As a convicted felon, he wasn't supposed to own a gun and has been charged with illegal possession in April of this year. Denver Police say their internal investigation into what happened during the shooting is still ongoing.
The recovered Raven P25 Auto .25 handgun allegedly fired by Vigil at police had the serial number filed off.
According to the report, Vigil had two baggies of meth hidden in his "rectal area."
Denver Police say pat downs are effective because when they pat a person down, they're looking for more than just metal objects. Officers look for drugs and weapons that might not be metal.

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