Saturday, October 4, 2014

Have we ever had a more foul mouthed Vice President?

Joe Biden gaffe on being vice president: It’s ‘a [expletive]’

Joseph Biden made another high-profile, expletive-laced flub during his recent Harvard University address, responding to a question from the vice president of the student body with his off-the-cuff assessment of being second-in-charge.
“Isn’t that a [expletive],” he said, CNN reported. “I mean, excuse me. The vice president thing.”
Mr. Biden tried a quick recovery.
“I’m joking, I’m joking, I’m joking,” he said, CNN reported. “Best decision I ever made. I’m joking — that was a joke.”
He then added: “I do actually” love being vice president, CNN reported. “I love the guy I work with,” he said.
The Institute of Politics slip-up is just another in what’s become a long line of Mr. Biden’s verbal hiccups.
In 2010, the vice president rocked national headlines when he audibly whispered to President Obama about the passage of Obamacare that it was a “big [expletive] deal.”
Just a couple weeks ago, he raised Jewish hackles by slinging the word “Shylocks” to describe unscrupulous bankers. And in 2012, he angered the White House by announcing his support for gay marriage before President Obama made known his own views — a public relations flub that reportedly led to his temporary freeze-out of administration meetings.

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