Watching the Obama administration sell us out to Iran, as in the interim agreement entered into late last year, I feel despondent and hopeless. It’s the way I felt when the Democrats cut off American support of the South Vietnamese government and assured its fall to the Communists rolling into Saigon, or, more recently, when Obama withdrew all our forces from Iraq. What is to be done? I have no idea.
John Kerry provides an element of continuity in Democratic politics going back to the fall of Saigon. He rose to prominence as a player in the Democratic production leading to our abandonment of South Vietnam. Kerry’s contribution was the dissemination of a demoralizing set of lies asserting the routine commission of war crimes by American forces. I bought his act at the time, but I was a sophomoric student who didn’t know any better. What is our excuse now?
This week the AP’s George Jahn reported that the mullahs are mulling over
our latest offer of capitulation to their nuclear program. According to Jahn, Russia would be the key to the deal. Iran would keep its centrifuges but ship out some enriched uranium to Vladimir Putin. What a friend we have in Vlad!
While the diplomats work out the details of our attempted capitulation, a good time is being had by all.
Jeryl Bier picks up on a report noting the jollity. Bier finds a senior state department official sharing a lighter moment with reporters who had gathered for a background briefing at the P5+1 talks in Vienna:
I just told Deputy Foreign Minister Araghchi that that I was coming down to do a backgrounder, and I said, you know, “You’ll know what I’m going to say.” And his suggestion was that I simply hand you the transcript from the last one, and that would probably do the trick. (Laughter.) So we thought that was pretty funny. Obviously, you don’t think that’s so funny, but we all thought it was pretty funny.
The official offered more:
In terms of mood, in a professional way, we all know each other pretty well now. You can tell when the [Iranian] Deputy Foreign Minister jokes. He reads the transcripts of these backgrounders, and when he can joke, “Why don’t you just hand over the last one? You’re going to say the same thing,” it’s reached a level of we know each other well enough to make jokes.
The Iranians have us sized up perfectly. Hilarity ensues. Imagine the fun if a final agreement is reached!
In Tehran, however, the mirth is suppressed. The genocidal maniacs running the show go on about their business relatively frankly.
Adam Kredo reports:
Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei promised increased support for Palestinian terrorists and urged them to stockpile arms in anticipation of a new war on Israel, according to public comments made Thursday following his meeting with members of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror group.
“Fighting the Zionist regime [Israel] is a war of destiny,” Khamenei said after a meeting with PIJ’s secretary general, according to Iran’s semi-official Fars News Agency.
In this calculus what’s the difference between the United States and Israel? We come second, maybe.
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