Friday, November 7, 2014

White guilt meet anti white racism. What kind of church do these people go to?

hands up dont shoot
The Ferguson protest movement held a meeting tonight at St. Mark Family Church on Glen Owen Drive.
The protesters took time out from their meeting to beat a college student.
Then they chased him down the street screaming.
Finally the man was rescued at the local Walgreens.
mike brown fb
From the Justice for Mike Brown Facebook page:
The meeting we had earlier at the church at 9950 Glen Owen Dr, St Louis, MO, alot of us attended the meeting but what happened with the attack on a peaceful protester was wrong and should have been handled a different way. Some of us already know that no live-streaming is allowed at the meeting and but when they told him to stop live streaming he probably didn’t hear or understand and when everbody just rushed him and told to stop live streaming and get the F××k out and then all of sudden he gets jumped and attacked. He is a student at UMSL college and he has been out there with us protesting on regular nights. Some of us know who he is, his name is Chris Schaefer, and NO, he’s not working with the police, he is on our side. But like I said again, for some of yall to just attack him having him, running down Chambers St towards West Florissant to the Walgreens scared for his life and he steady screaming crying and flagging down cars asking for help, but he only gets help when he runs inside the Walgreens, that was wrong and F××ked up it really was he was they took him to the hospital by ambulance to be treated for injuries. That’s making us look bad, the ones that come out to protest peacefully, smh, and he is white but that don’t mean to attack him like that! We have supporters of all races!
Radical Hamas supporter Bassem Masri defended the attack.
UPDATE: Live-streamer Chris Schaefer posted a video from his hospital bed in the emergency room. Schaefer said he got hit “pretty badly” in his head, hands, and sides. He’s asking for donations to pay for his CAT Scan.
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