Saturday, October 17, 2015

OPEN BORDERS ACTIVIST Beaten and Stabbed in the Back By Arab Migrants. Liberalism is the refusal to see reality.

OPEN BORDERS ACTIVIST Beaten and Stabbed in the Back By Arab Migrants

An open borders activist was stabbed outside a pizzeria in Germany.
The activist, Julius G., was very sad after Arab migrants stabbed him in the back.

pizzeria stabbing germany
A high profile open borders activist was nearly killed in Dresden. He was attack by six or more Arabs and stabbed in the back outside a Pizzeria. (Stop Hate Crimes)
** Julius has protested the PEGIDA anti-immigrant invasion movement, and campaigned for illegal alien rights.
No doubt, Julius still supports the migrant invasion of Germany. reported:
A pro-migrant, open borders activist is reported to be “very sad” after being stabbed twice in the back by a gang of “Arabs” as he stood outside a pizzeria in Dresden, east Germany.
Twenty-nine year old ‘Julius G.’ involved himself in political activism while reading his degree in industrial engineering Technical University of Dresden. Now he may have fallen victim to his own politics, as the refugee advocate was attacked while waiting for friends in Dresden’s Neustadt, known as the city’s ‘left wing’, or ‘alternative’ quarter.
Germany’s Bild-Zeitung reports police were called to Pizza 5 on Alaunstraße on Saturday after a group of six to eight men jumped the student in the early hours and stabbed him twice in the back, leaving him in a serious condition. A police spokesman said: “Several police vans searched the surrounding area, unfortunately without success. According to witnesses, the attackers were said to be North Africans”.
West-German ‘Julius G.’ who has been a student in Dresden for five years told Bild: “I don’t know why I was attacked.
“I waited opposite the pizzeria for two friends who were buying something to eat after we had left the pub and were on our way home”.
The student didn’t think the motivation was robbery, as nothing was taken after the stabbing.
julius g sad
Anti-PEGIDA activist Julius G. says he is very sad about the brutal attack. (Bild)

Refugees 'sexually abuse cleaner every day for TWO WEEKS at migrant centre'

REFUGEES allegedly sexually assaulted a female cleaner every day for nearly two weeks at a migrant centre.

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