NBC News reporter Ayman Mohyeldin was corrected on-air after he suggested that he saw no weapons on a Palestinian terrorist who Israeli police say charged at them with a knife on Thursday.
“Both of his hands were open and both of his hands did not have a knife,” Mohyeldin said.
That’s when MSNBC’s Jose Diaz-Balart interrupted and brought the audience’s attention to a photo obtained by NBC News that seems to clearly show the Palestinian attacker with a knife in his right hand and an unknown object in his left hand.
“We can clearly see the man…with what appears to be, at least in his right hand, a knife,” he said.
NBC News
NBC News
Mohyeldin argued he was justing trying to point out that the attacker’s hands were empty when officers “secured the body” and the forensic team was investigating.
Watch the video via MSNBC below:
The media has come under scrutiny for its coverage of the current wave of attacks in Israel. As Mediaite notes, Mohyeldin has his own history of controversial statements on Israel:
Mohyeldin has previously been scrutinized for criticizing the United States for not officially recognizing Hamas and said they should “be able to rein in Israel in terms of some of the actions it takes on the ground.” And earlier this year, he was on MSNBC ripping Chris Kyle‘s “racist tendencies.”