Saturday, February 4, 2017

Another case of there will be no opposition to the fascist left's positions. Totalitarians calling other people Nazi's!

Watch liberal ‘professor’ absolutely lose it in explosive rant at cops during ‘neo-Nazi’ protest

Watch liberal ‘professor’ absolutely lose it in explosive rant at cops during ‘neo-Nazi’ protest
Self-proclaimed "professor" lets cop have it at protest against conservative speaker Gavin McInnes. (Image source: YouTube screen cap) 

Editor’s note: This story contains a generous portion of expletives. Discretion is advised.
While conservative firebrand Gavin McInnes made his share of headlines after getting pepper-sprayed outside a building at New York University where he gave a speech Thursday night, one of many angry, left-wing protesters grabbed a few eyeballs herself.
A woman who claimed she’s a “professor” — although NYU on Friday said they don’t recognize her as a faculty member — stood on a sidewalk and excoriated a large group of New York City police officers.
She was outraged that police were “protecting” McInnes and his fellow “neo-Nazis” who came to hear him instead of physically assaulting them. “You should kick their ass!” the woman screamed.
Image source: YouTube screen cap
Image source: YouTube screen cap
Her rant included other highlights, so to speak, but the award-winners were her demand that cops “should be protecting students from hate” and her insistence that the students were “taught to be peaceful!” before yelling, “F*** you! F*** you!” at police.
Here’s the nearly full transcript of her rant against the NYPD, minus some unintelligible and overly repetitive parts:
Who’s protecting NYU from this bulls**t? Why are you here? You’re not here to protect these students from Nazis. No, you’re not! This is completely f***ed up. And these students had to f***ing face them on their own. You should be ashamed of yourselves! You should be standing up to those Nazis! You should be protecting students from hate! This is hate! These are f***ing assholes … you are a joke. You’re grown boys! You’re grown boys … and I’m disgusted! I’m a professor! How dare you! How dare you f***ing assholes protect neo-Nazis? F*** you! F*** you! F*** you! These are kids who are trying to learn about humanity! They’re trying to learn about human rights and against racism and xenophobia and LGBTQ rights, and you’re letting these f***ing neo-Nazis near here! You should kick their ass! You should! You should be ashamed of yourselves! You should! F*** that s**t. F*** that s**t. It’s not up to these students to kick the ass of a neo-Nazi! They don’t have to raise their fist! They were taught to be peaceful! F*** you! F*** you. I’m a professor. God f***ing damn it … you’re here to protect neo-Nazis! So f*** you! God f***ing damn it! Those kids should not have to take fists up to neo-Nazis, and you’re putting them in that situation! Go to hell. F*** you NYPD!
With that, she marched off with drool apparently dripping down her chin as the crowd cheered and clapped.
Here’s clip of her rant. (Content warning: Lots and lots o’ cursing coming up — but given it’s from an apparent academic, wouldn’t you say that evens things out a bit?):

A spokesman for NYU told LawNewz that school officials don’t recognize the woman as an NYU faculty member, although it’s possible she’s a professor somewhere else.
McInnes was invited to speak by the NYU College Republicans. There were 11 arrests.
Protesters interrupted McInnes’ speech for quite a long stretch, although he attempted to engage with them. Counter chants of “USA! USA! USA!” were heard as well.
Here’s a clip of his speech and the disruption. (Content warning: Strong language):

School officials said he was pepper-sprayed during a melee that erupted when protesters turned up to derail his speech.
Image source: YouTube screen cap
Image source: YouTube screen cap
Here’s a clip of the McInnes getting pepper-sprayed, with close-ups. (Content warning: Strong language):

The Associated Press contributed to this story.

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