Saturday, February 4, 2017

Self loathing masochistic whites and their sadistic privileged sadistic mentors. Guilt without crime!

Colleges open up ‘Tunnel of Oppression’ to teach ‘privileged’ students about struggle

Colleges open up ‘Tunnel of Oppression’ to teach ‘privileged’ students about struggle
Image Source: Tunnel of Oppression video 

If you are an individual who benefits from a societal norm, a certain skin color, or success, then various colleges would invite you to step into their “Tunnel of Oppression” so you can find out what it’s like to suffer from misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, racism, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc.
According to Campus Reform, the ways the “Tunnel of Oppression” is done varies from school to school. Washington State University made theirs into more of a “museum format” where participants could move through various rooms that covered various topics of “oppression.” Meanwhile, Boise State took a more extreme approach.
Boise State University, who held its annual Tunnel of Oppression back in November, chose to model an even more extreme version of the event portrayed at SIU, explaining that the exercise is not intended to be comfortable for participants.
“The Tunnel of Oppression attempts to recreate such feelings by having the guides create an environment where participants can actually feel disoriented, dehumanized, and uncomfortable,” BSU asserts. “Oppression does not stop because its victims are uncomfortable or tired, and it does not respect personal boundaries. While the experience is not always pleasant, it is part of the simulated experience.”
Lee University is said to be hosting its fourth annual Tunnel of Oppression, which will be an interactive trek through various rooms that subject you to various forms of oppression from the sexual to the societal.
A video from Southern Illinois University was posted of their Tunnel of Oppression in 2010, which features black people screaming at white people, and ordering them around, and white people having violent interactions with police.

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