Monday, June 11, 2018

MeToo: Democratic Party leader Eric Holder is looking for new Weinsteins to defend

By Monica Showalter

Democratic Party stalwart Eric Holder, isn't letting the Democratic Party's claimed principles about standing up for women's rights get in his way of his quest for more money. He's actually conducting a roadshow to offer his legal services to Hollywood executives to help them head off legal or public relations crises in the event their predatory sexual behavior become public. You know, if one of the #MeToo women comes out and accuses the next one of being another Harvey Weinstein -- whether through groping, casting-couch favoritism, or maybe raping - he's there to help the company. Basically, Holder wants to ... defend these people from those dreaded women, and profit handsomely. Kid you not.
Here is what Variety reported, with some spin for Holder (emphasis mine):
Former attorney general 
Eric Holder pitched his investigative services to a roomful of Hollywood executives on
Friday, urging them to get out in front of #MeToo allegations.
Holder, now a partner at Covington & Burling, gave a presentation to about 50 corporate leaders at the firm’s Los Angeles office. The former attorney general oversaw the firm’s extensive investigation of sexual harassment claims at Uber last year, which led to the ouster of the CEO, and is now seeking to expand the investigations practice in Hollywood.
It might seem like a tough sell: Hire us, and your CEO could get fired. But Holder and two other partners, Aaron Lewis and Lindsay Burke, are selling companies on the benefits of anticipating problems before they become national news.

Which is weird stuff for a guy who claims a very active leadership spot in the Democratic Party, no matter how they spin it as "investigative" work. The Democratic Party is trying to make political hay from the #MeToo movement, claiming it's all about President Trump. So picture it: Holder's actually going out to all those potential new Weinsteins in Hollywood and shilling up business in the name of protecting them from their own behavior.
You know, the way it's always gone in the past when Democrats protected sexual predators, such as Weinstein. There's always a Democrat around to defend them, as we witnessed in the case of Weinstein, at least until the issue gets too hot to handle.
It ought to be a wake up call to the #MeToo movement as to the real intentions of Democrats, given that the overwhelming majority of #MeToo's accused culprits were Hollywood leftists and staunch Democratic Party donors. 
Did I say 'donors'? Oh wait, now the picture becomes clearer: Holder seems to want to protect Democratic Party donors from accusations that can ruin their careers - and dry up Democratic Party donations as such people are thrown out.
Like Weinstein was. Apparently, the loss of Weinstein as a Democratic donor must have been a tough blow for them.
But it sure reveals how hypocritical Democrats can be that they even allow this. They claim themselves to be the party of #MeToo and the great defender of women's interests. That's what the press reports in lockstep narrative. Yet one of their own leaders, a very prominent one, is now showing up at potential sexual predators' doors and offering to pre-defend them from accusations, in a bid to protect them from their own misdeeds, suggesting a certain lack of sincerity.
So #MeToo needs to wake up or else admit it's part of this machinery. Holder's activity demonstrates that Democratic leaders are out to do all they can to protect the Weinsteins out there due to all the campaign donors among them. 
Republicans need to wake up, too. If Republicans, (who by the way, did very well with women candidates in last week's primary), don't seize on this latest instance of Holderian hypocrisy and point out that Democrats speak with forked tongues on #MeToo, they will deserve to lose. This is the low-hanging fruit of the coming midterm election.

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