Monday, February 11, 2019

China Rocked By Two Biggest Corporate Defaults Yet...related to green energy.

China Rocked By Two Biggest Corporate Defaults YetEver since Beijing allowed Chinese companies (even certain state-owned enterprises) to officially fail for the first time in 2016, and file for bankruptcy to restructure their unsustainable debt loads, it's been a one-way street of corporate bankruptcies, one which we profiled last June in "
Is It Time To Start Worrying About China's Debt Default Avalanche", and which culminated with a record number of Chinese onshore bond defaults in 2018, as a liquidity crunch sparked a record 119.6 billion yuan in defaults on local Chinese debt in 2018.Time To Start Worrying About China's Debt Default Avalanche", and which culminated with a record number of Chinese onshore bond defaults in 2018, as a liquidity crunch sparked a record 119.6 billion yuan in defaults on local Chinese debt in 2018.since Beijing allowed Chinese companies (even certain state-owned enterprises) to officially fail for the first time in 2016, and file for bankruptcy to restructure their unsustainable debt loads, it's been a one-way street of corporate bankruptcies, one which we profiled last June in "Is It Time To Start Worrying About China's Debt Default Avalanche", and which culminated with a record number of Chinese onshore bond defaults in 2018, as a liquidity crunch sparked a record 119.6 billion yuan in defaults on local Chinese debt in 2018.

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