Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Amid economic shambles, terror: Venezuela's Chavista thugs begin beheading dissidents

Amid economic shambles, terror: Venezuela's Chavista thugs begin beheading dissidents

Apparently, there is no rock bottom to the hell that is Venezuela.
Out of the economic shambles - quintuple-digit inflation, food shortages, expropriations, medical meltdown, blackouts, and ruined democracy -- terror is now emerging.
Not just street crime, but the kind of reign of terror that went on during the French Revolution, or Lenin's red terror, or Stalin's extended horrors, or Castro's paredon, or Mao's cultural revolution, or Pol Pot's Cambodia. A sort of late-stage, demonic killing spree in the interest of consolidating the hellhole into an absolute dictatorship. Theoretically, the tottering dictatorship then is embraced by relieved citizens of these murder-ravaged hellholes to give thanks for stability' over the bloodshed that came before. It's a sort of collective battered woman syndrome and aspiring tyrants know very well that it works.
In Venezuela, it's the next thing on the socialist menu, and it's extremely ugly.
PanAm Post (hat tip: Babalu blog) has a report stating that low class Chavista loyalist known as 'colectivos' - hooded, armed, motorcycle thugs - have started beheading dissidents for supporting Venezuela's acting president, Juan Guaido. They're not only engaging in those depraved acts, they're desecrating the bodies of those they murder and giggling for the cameras afterward. Like ISIS, or perhaps even more accurately, Mexican or Colombian drug lords, they take a special pleasure in filming themselves and their prey and then posting those videos on 'social' media to terrorize the rest of the nation.


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