Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Self loathing, depressed old white Commies love AOC..is that a union thug standing to her side? Leftist cognitive dissonance on display.

WATCH: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tells crowd at Bernie rally America is ‘not an advanced society’, it’s ‘FASCISM”

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was on the stump this weekend for Bernie Sanders. And at a rally in California that also featured Cornel West, AOC talked a little bit about America.
And not in a good way.

AOC in California this weekend talks about America while stumping for Bernie Sanders at rally featuring Cornel West.

"What we're living in right now is not an advanced society."

"It is fascism, what we have, what we're evolving into, as well."

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I’m including more of the clip below, (about three minutes), but you can watch the whole thing here.
It basically speaks for itself. In the full speech, she bashes imperialism, then just seconds later says we have to establish justice “abroad” so .. figure that one out. She also basically calls for revolution, says the “movement” has to “take it to the streets.”
It’s fully loco. This is what I was talking about earlier. This is who the Democrats are being dominated by.
Here’s the longer clip. Enjoy! (Not really. But watch it anyway.)

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