Sunday, May 10, 2020

The redistributionists against the producers. Are you tired of loudmouthed harridans?

California pol tweets ‘F–k Elon Musk’ after announcement to move Tesla



Elon Musk plans to move Tesla over coronavirus gripes in CA

Steering wheel in brand-new Tesla falls off in driver's hands

Tesla wants to restart production at California plant on Friday

'What’s more important, Mars or a house?': Elon Musk confirms he's selling his homes

A California assemblywoman has drawn outrage with a blunt attack on Tesla’s plans to quit the Golden state — tweeting, “F–k Elon Musk.”
Lorena Gonzalez sent the tweet late Saturday night shortly after Musk, 48, said he would move his pioneering tech company to either Texas or Nevada because of an ongoing spat about reopening in California.
The progressive Democrat’s blunt message sparked outrage by many of her followers, with her being called “classless” and an embarrassment to the communities she represents.
Others also noted the irony in her choice of words given that local politicians are the reason Musk wants to quit California.
“You already did. That’s why he’s leaving,” @JimJollyRogers shot back to Gonzalez’s message.
Another, Richard James, sniped, “Yeah. Screw the guy who has actually created a company and jobs and accomplished something. To hell with anyone who has actually made the world a better place.”
He added sarcastically, “He should be more like politicians who only know how to screw things up and have accomplished nothing.”
Musk has repeatedly voiced his frustrations over California’s “fascist” handling of the coronavirus and the closure of Tesla’s factories.
He says Tesla plans to sue Alameda County, whose health officials prohibited the opening despite Gov. Gavin Newsom easing lockdown measures statewide.

Her Marxist mindset. Class warfare, absolutely.

Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez Complains About the “System”; Gets Destroyed by Small Business Owner

In a time when protecting local business owners is of the utmost importance to nearly every elected official in California, Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez has decided to go against the grain. Recently, she wrote a series of tweets accusing the “system”—that is, the inner workings of America’s economy—of being rigged in favor of the rich and powerful.
Easy enough for Gonzalez to say. She’s both of those things—rich and powerful.
Rather than offer a genuine reply or engage in some sort of civil discourse, Gonzalez—in her quintessential smug fashion—replied with seething snark, mocking the woman’s role as a small business owner.
As one of the most powerful people in California politics, Gonzalez should know better than to attack small business owners, who are part of the very middle class she claims to protect. Sadly, this is nothing new for Lorena Gonzalez, who has proven to be a cesspool of backhanded insults and terrible legislation.

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