Tuesday, May 11, 2021

The new normal?

Pumps run dry on day five of Colonial Pipeline cyber attack: Cars line up outside stations across the South and American Airlines is forced to add refuel stop to long haul flights as gas prices near seven-year high

  • The FBI has confirmed that DarkSide, a Russian hacking outfit made up of ransomware veterans, was responsible for the attack on Colonial Pipeline
  • The pipeline, which runs from Texas to New Jersey and transports 45 percent of the East Coast's fuel supply, was hacked five days ago  
  • Colonial said it was working to 'substantially' resume operations by the end of this week but reports of gas shortages are already emerging along East Coast 
  • Gas stations in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina and Virginia had shortages
  • The pipeline also serves Atlanta's airport - the world's busiest by passengers
  • American Airlines is adding stops in two long-haul routes from Charlotte, NC 
  • American Automobile Association is predicting that gas prices will only surge as a result of the shutdown after the average price jumped six cents to $2.98
  • An increase of three more cents would make the national average the most expensive since November 2014 

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